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Adding/Editing Email Templates

  • Add New Email Template: loads a blank template to create a new email message
  • Edit Email: loads the existing template for editing
  • Delete Email: Deletes the email template (This will remove the template from the drop down list for actions on the left side of the)

Email Template Form:

  • Email Template Name: Name the template
  • Email Subject: The subject for the outgoing email
  • Default Email Body: What will be included in the body of the email
    • The Toolbar contains many formatting buttons allowing changes to the document as would any document editor such as Microsoft Word. These are available in the Design mode. The HTML mode allows editing in that format where the Preview allows the user to see the effects of those changes.
    • The {Data} element must remain where you want the actual information that is sent to the customer. The data element is the text that will ask for a response or action from the customer, and can be placed before or after other text within the message.


See Also

Data Element Examples

Sample Email and Text Alerts

Card Report Lost/Stolen

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